Category Website Profiles 36 articles to read

Nathan Justus, Seattle WA

Our software is quite flexible and Nathan Justus in Seattle is showing what it can do. Take a peek at his site and you will see how he is using…

Blogging, Google, Ubertor Website Flexibility

Over the last few weeks some of our clients have moved from our older versions of our software to the latest Ubertor website software. With change comes questions, challenges and…

Whatcom County Open Houses Website

Steve Church, a Realtor in Bellingham, Washington launched a new website a few weeks ago to help him and his colleagues promote their open houses in the area. Newspaper advertising…

Vancouver Real Estate from Water and Air

Century 21 In Town’s Mike La Prairie commissioned some photos of Vancouver. The shots have been posted on the company website for all to view. They are great pictures of…

Save this search? how about an AFC!

Giving the user the ability to save a search is nothing new in the internet world. Many property searches, including ours, gives the user the ability to save their search…

San Diego Castles – Kris Berg

A new client of ours, Kris Berg, emailed me a wonderful testimonial about her new Ubertor website. Kris is a real estate agent in San Diego who just moved to… – a new spin on real estate

We launched a new website the other day for James Rodgers. His site, is a unique spin on the real estate industry as well as the services that real…

Flexibility within the Ubertor platform

I get asked quite abit about the flexibility of the Ubertor system? and how far can a template be customized? The best answer I can give is another question –…