Category Real Estate Business 279 articles to read

Need Some Inspiration?

Maybe Will Smith can help…

Recap: Inman Real Estate Connect 2011 ~ San Francisco, CA

I returned home from San Francisco the other day after 4 days down at the annual Real Estate Connect SF. As usual it was an awesome event. I have had…

HootSuite For Real Estate Agents

The other day HootSuite published an info sheet about how their social media dashboard can help real estate agents in their business. Check it out below: HootSuite for Real Estate…

Congratulations On Your IPO Today!

Its a big day for the team at today. Their stock went live on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol Z today, which “climbed to $43.21 at 11:26…

LEARN about Social Media, SEO, Google Adwords and Blogging

Trying to catch up with what is happening on the Internet? Is the Canada Post mail strike leaving you wondering how you are going to market your real estate business?…

Realtor / Farmer Gary Chambers Talks About Selling Real Estate While Farming

Yesterday I had the opportunity to drop in on Gary Chambers of the famous I was driving from Saskatchewan back towards Calgary to make an evening flight to Vancouver.…

NightOwl Catches Two Burglars In The Act (and gets them arrested by Abbotsford Police)

I thought this was an interesting video for our real estate readers. My brother’s company, Provident Security, has a service available called NightOwl. It is perfect for real estate developers,…

British Columbia Real Estate Association’s Revised Training Material

I was asked in December 2010 if I would be interested in rewriting a couple of the modules within the British Columbia Real Estate Associations’s Residential Trading Services Applied Practice…