Category Blogs, Blogging, Bloggers 126 articles to read

Video Blog

Are you Video Blogging? View this clip on Vimeo

BLOG = Better Listings On Google

I heard the other day that people are saying that BLOG now stands for “Better Listings On Google“. Well, we have been saying that blogging is a very effective way…

Pacific IT

I just met with Robert of Pacific IT. He was the gentleman that was presenting the other day at the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board about blogs and blogging. He…

Combustion Ubertor Leading the way. . .

The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver has picked up on the benefits of Blogs and Blogging and ran a workshop trying to educate their Realtors on why and how…

The President and CEO of HMA Franchise Systems, Inc (or contacted me a few weeks ago asking for some information about online promotion of Realtor websites. She said that…

CKNW picks up the story on Blogging Realtors

CKNW, Vancouver‘s local news radio station just interviewed Joel Carcone, one of Ubertor‘s blogging Realtors about his experience and success with his blog. Joel was kind enough to mention Ubertor…

Real estate agents building blog houses

I have been talking with Gillian Shaw at the Vancouver Sun about our work with Realtors and getting them online and blogging and today, she wrote an article in the…

Blogging in BC

Ok, so I have been pushing our Realtors to begin Blogging. Many have started and I hope to have many more. Blogging is an excellent way to promote yourself and…