I wrote yesterday about the Ubertor Auto Fill Categories used for niche websites and today received a great email from Ian Watt discussing his success with his Ubertor real estate websites and how the AFC’s have helped him become a market leader in specific neighbourhoods/buildings. Here is what Ian had to say:
“Taking Farming to a New Level. As farming is as old as real estate itself, finding new ways to stand out and become the authority in a neighborhood is becoming more and more difficult. I started farming a building called Electric Avenue in Downtown Vancouver 2 years ago and because of the frequency of flyers sent to the 456 unit complex I developed a bit of a reputation as the local expert. People would call every so often to list their homes or ask for a current market price. Furthermore people would also contact me regarding finding a parking rental or even to rent out their units etc and this is where the community site / uberFarm was born (even though I don’t do rentals). I contacted Ubertor for assistance with the new concept and 2 years later our site is the authority on this building. The key aspects of the site includes current listing, a rental notice board and floor plans. In 2006 we had 11 ends in the ElectricAvenue building and we’re on pace to match that number in 2007. Eleven ends at approximately $5500 per end, we grossed over $60,000 for this single website. Not a bad return on a $900 annual website hosting fee, plus the nominal costs of our just sold flyers.
We have since cloned our system for YaletownPark.ca, SpectrumCondos.ca and Woodwards-Condos.com which will be complete in 2010 – its never too early to build your site. The greatest thing about building niche sites is that with great success you will have something to sell should you wish to wind down your real estate practice. Finally, and to clear the air, I do have to pay for all 8 of my websites and no, I don’t own even a share of Ubertor, though I wish I did. Please feel free to email me direct to find out more.”
Ian Watt