Summary of the March Real Estate Tech Meetup

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Tonight was the Vancouver Real Estate Technology March Meetup and it was our biggest yet. At last count there were over 75 attendees in the room including a few from San Diego! We had the pleasure of welcoming Cameron McNeill to the stage who is the co-founder of MAC Marketing Solutions. MAC Marketing, with their developer client Cressey created a 5 series web based show that was an outside the box, “purple cow”, marketing masterpiece that caught the attention of the world wide blogging community, international press and the attention of the real estate community. Cameron spoke about the idea, how it came about, the costs involved, the risks and the exposure that they received from this marketing move.

For your review, here are the links discused tonight:

– DonovanLife – A made for web TV series about a woman’s life in Donovan, a downtown Vancouver condo development. A kind of “Sex and the City” meets “Will & Grace.” – All 5 episodes here

– We also showed Ian Watt’s use of video and Meebo as a way to gain “stickiness” for his website. Check out Ian’s website here and his real estate channel on YouTube here

Tom Davis was the lucky winner of our door prize tonight. He took home a copy of The Purple Cow written by Seth Godin

– MAC’s website is

Here are a few pictures from the evening:

Stephen Jagger co-founder of and Cameron McNeill, co-founder of MAC Marketing
stephen jagger and cameron mcneill

Jason, Nicole, Sarah, Steve and Cameron
vancouver real estate

Vancouver Real Estate Technology Meetup Group Picture
vancouver real estate meetup

Check out the rest of the March photos here

Would you like to come to the next Meetup? Be sure to RSVP here

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