Presentation: Newspapers, Social Media and the Future of Reporting

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The next Real Estate Technology Meetup is scheduled and the speakers confirmed. We have Gillian Shaw and Kirk LaPointe from the Vancouver Sun coming to speak to our group. Here are the details:

Presentation: Newspapers, Social Media and the Future of Reporting
Speakers: Gillian Shaw, Technology Reporter @ Vancouver Sun and Kirk LaPointe Managing Editor of Vancouver Sun
The Vancouver Sun’s Gillian Shaw (Technology Reporter) and Kirk LaPointe (Managing Editor) will be on hand to deliver a talk on a few topics that are of great interest to real estate professionals from all over North America. In this “fire side” chat, Gillian and Kirk will discuss:

* Getting on the Media’s radar
* How the Vancouver Sun uses social media and online tools
* The future of the news/reporting business

I look forward to seeing you all there. Meetup is open to real estate professionals from all over. Be sure to RSVP here so that we know how many people to expect.

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