We built out the Ubertor Landing Page tool a while back and many of our clients have been using it to create landing pages for their on/off line advertisements. Below is an example of what Kory Prince has been doing with his landing page. The landing page tool within Ubertor allows you to create a special page within your website that is not visible to visitors that come through the domain name. It is meant for directing Google Adwords, Facebook Ads and the like to a specific page within your website. The tool allows you to hide the navigation, the banner image, the masthead, the site footer and/or the default widgets. The idea is that you can test the page layout to see what works for lead generation.
Do you have questions about how this works? Click on the Ubertor live help for more details.
Where is the landing page tool in your Ubertor control panel? Click on the “Marketing” tab to see it.