Many clients call me asking why they can’t find their website when they search a specific phrase in Google. I always ask them, well do you write about that phrase in your website?
If not, why do you think Google will know what your website is about.
Want to know the keyword density of your website? Add your domain name here:
You will see a Keyword Cloud.
A Keyword Cloud is a visual depiction of keywords used on a website, keywords having higher density are depicted in a larger fonts. Ideally your main keywords should appear in larger fonts at the start of the cloud.
Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your web page.
It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.
Don’t like what you find?
Here are 4 things you can do to change the results:
1. start blogging about the keyword phrase (ie. Want to be found under “Portland Condos for Sale” then start writing about “Portland Condos for Sale”.
2. update your home page content to be more specific. Long copy works well. Check out
, he does this well
3. ensure your website is tied into Google Sitemaps (ask Ubertor Client Service Team for more information)
4. add a new page on your website specifically focused on the keyword phase that your interested in
hat tip: realstock
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4/24/2007 at 10:24 am
how high a rank should that key word or phrase have in order for it to be
4/24/2007 at 3:20 pm
For this, the larger words in the bubble should be the keywords you want to be found under. If it is not, you need to write more about that keyword within your site.