I receive quite a few questions in my email inbox most of which I answer quickly back to the person that asked. Sometimes, I post that response here in my blog but not often enough. Adam Smith, a Realtor in White Rock commented in another post about my blog and what he likes about it. Here is what he had to say:
“I thought this was probably the most useful blog I have seen published in some time. Thank
you. I have already added the google analytics feature and signed up with activerain.com .
I look forward to more useful information like this to come. Adam.” – www.adamdsmith.ca
I emailed Adam back thanking him for his comments and asked if he had any specific questions. Well, as you can see, he did, and this post is about one of them. Adam emailed back asking “what is squidoo…?” and suggested an “Ask Ubertor” section might be a good way to communicate these types of questions.
So, here we go:
What is Squidoo.com?
Squidoo.com is an online software platform that allows you to create a simple blog type web page that focuses on a specific topic. It is a single page that you can dedicate to anything and setup is easy and free. The best part of having a Squidoo page (or lens as they call it) is that you can earn royalties from the traffic that the lens generates. If you choose to, you can forfeit your royalties to a charity of your choice. Squidoo claims that “Lenses have huge credibility with search engines, so your lens can help your other sites rise to the top of Google searches.” So far for us, it has brought some traffic, mostly from Yahoo, but we will see how it progresses. Its free to setup and very easy.
Squidoo.com is the creation of Seth Godin, a master marketer who has written many books, all of which are worth picking up as there is so much good information in them.
Related Sites:
Squidoo.com FAQ
About Squidoo.com from their site
Seth Godin’s Blog
Seth’s Books
I hope this helps…. if you have questions that you want answered, email me as I would be pleased to help.
UPDATE – – Seth Godin adds his thoughts in the comments
9/27/2006 at 2:37 am
Thanks, Stephen. Your description is right on. In fact, many of our lensmasters donate all of their royalties to charity–the income means a lot more to the charities, because it’s multiplied by the 40,000 + lenses that have been built.
The secret to a great lens is to make it really actionable and specific, and to promote it. The more traffic you send, the higher the ranking on our list… which leads to even more traffic, and it turns into a virtuous cycle. Some of my lenses have gotten more than 6,000 visitors in a week.
Thanks again for writing about it. Seth
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