Create Authoritative Content

By The Marketing Guy

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Many people have this impression that you should have many years of experience before you can create authoritative content that stands out. Little did they know that many people who became influencers began their work with no experience and no connections. They built themselves up, and their following, and eventually became influential by consistently creating authoritative content.

So how did they do it? Here are some ways to create authoritative, influential, and engaging content:

1. Case Studies and What You Learned

Case studies are essentially analyses of a given situation to demonstrate an effect; generally, this means showcasing a client before, during, and after you provided services for them. 

Applying a tactic and generating a real result with numbers to back it up is one of the best ways to showcase yourself as an expert.

The basic formula for this type of article is:

Take action. Get a result. Share your results in an article.

Some results take over a year to achieve, but some results can be achieved much quicker. For example, if you’re a sales consultant, you might write a case study about how one of your biggest clients was struggling with selling, explaining exactly what you did, and what results you saw from your efforts. 

Taking action and sharing your results is one of the best ways to create authoritative content, even if you are applying techniques that other people have done before. You’ll learn things that other people haven’t written about and probably do things your own unique way.

Ultimately, case studies are a valuable and high-returning addition to your content portfolio, especially if you have significant client work to show off in an informative and engaging way. These aren’t throwaway pieces, so invest some serious time and effort if you want them to succeed.

2. Talk About Your Analysis

Doing a detailed analysis of a topic of interest is another way to create authoritative content. If something creates a strong sense of curiosity in you, your followers, and your customers, then researching it is usually the first step you take before trying to put it in writing.

Research and analysis should be done before implementing any project, so you can further leverage whatever you find in that work by creating content about what you gained from the experience and sharing it with others.

3. Ride Trends & News

Experts discuss the relevance of creating evergreen content, but focusing more on trending topics or reporting breaking news always keeps your readers and audience engaged. In fact, most content creators focus mainly on content that is new and trendy.

Leveraging trends and news in your content strategy could amplify your effectiveness as a content producer and eventually will create an impact on your authority.

Remember that riding on what’s popular is a good way to create content that people engage with.

4. Looking From a Different Angle

One of content marketing’s biggest challenges is that almost all available topics have already been extensively written out. One way to get attention is to approach the topic from a different angle.

Research and learn the topic. Identify the angle that has not yet been thoroughly discussed. Leverage your findings and exploit them in your content strategy. This will help your readers and audience identify you as an authoritative knowledge-based content producer.

5. Use Video

Another way to create engaging content is Video but most people are afraid to do it because they feel like it requires technical skills, money, and a lot of work. Contrary to what most people know is that web cameras and microphones are inexpensive and video editing software isn’t that hard to use, and there are tons of video tutorials available online just to get you started.

Video empowers you to connect with your audience in a more personal way. It allows you to demonstrate your ideas in a visual manner while showing confidence and authority in any subject matter.

To Wrap It Up

Writing content that keeps your audience engaged is one of the biggest challenges marketers face. But with a little extra time and effort, you can make your content stand out.


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